The District Copper Ceiling The Docklands location and history as hub for trade was inspiration for this copper ceiling design. Stars, used in marine navigation, were the chosen symbol for a sophisticated pattern that would be embossed and cut out in copper, creating a luxury detail in the laneway of the District. The holes created by the stars allow natural light to filter through, creating shapes on the ground below. After production, the laneway was named Star Crescent, inspired by the ceiling.
The District Copper Ceiling The Docklands location and history as hub for trade was inspiration for this copper ceiling design. Stars, used in marine navigation, were the chosen symbol for a sophisticated pattern that would be embossed and cut out in copper, creating a luxury detail in the laneway of the District. The holes created by the stars allow natural light to filter through, creating shapes on the ground below. After production, the laneway was named Star Crescent, inspired by the ceiling.